Face to Face Store Champs Winning Deck Report

This deck took first place at the Face To Face Games Store Champs. Shout-out to Graham from Face to Face Games for running an awesome event that featured five different Fantasy Flight Store Championships which ran at the same time!

Gorzod’s First Dance

Army (30)
3x Assault Valkyrie
1x Crushface
2x Front line ‘Ard Boyz
4x Gorzod’s Wagons
1x Land Raider
2x Mordian Hellhound
2x Rickety Warbuggy
3x Rogue Trader
3x Shoota Mob
3x Snakebite Thug
3x Steel Legion Chimera
3x Void Pirate

Attachment (4)
3x Promotion
1x The Bloodrunna

Event (12)
2x Battle Cry
3x Dakka Dakka Dakka!
2x Hostile Acquisition
2x Rok Bombardment
3x Squiggify

Support (4)
1x Kustom Field Generator
1x Kustomisation Station
1x Mork’s Great Heap
1x Tellyporta Pad

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