Urien Rakarth Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb

A Newbie’s Outlook on Conquest, Warhammer 40K and Wine – Alex Bosch will talk about decks, trends and various topics that strike his fancy while deep into several glasses of wine.  A guest article from Alex Preston-Bosch.

I sit at the table filled with dread.  The inevitability of my demise swells inside as I place my warlord on the table. My opponent gives me a look of pity and surprise that has become far too familiar in these past few months. This is the opening scene of any game when playing our infamous Dark Eldar warlord, Urien Rakarth.

Now, I will be the first to admit that my confidence in poor Urien isn’t high enough to bring him to a tournament quite yet, but lately I have been turning those looks of pity into disgruntled sighs as I send volley after volley of ranged damage raining down onto the enemy units across the table.

So here is how I learned to love Urien again, by accepting what he was and not trying to make him anything he wasn’t.

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War Journals – Ethereals and Torture

After playing in nationals at Gencon this past summer I spent a few weeks taking a break from playing conquest. During that time I caught up on a bulk of conquest podcasts and spent a lot of time thinking about results at nationals and the possible shape of the meta to come. I realized that I have spent nowhere near enough time playing as many of the warlords in this game. I resolved to work through the list and wrote down a schedule of what warlords I will play when. The War Journals blog series will serve as an open space for me to talk about this exploration, my findings, and really anything else I find to be relevant to the process of playing with the full breadth of different deck options available to this game. Read More