Road to Worlds #4 – Stay on Target

Thursday marked the first day of official World Championship events for me.  The Star Wars: Armada event was scheduled to start at noon, but I had a bye in the first round courtesy of my victory at the Canadian Nationals.  So, our usual readers may have to bear with me for a moment as I divert briefly into Armada talk.

I was very nervous about the Armada event.  It is not my primary event and I don’t spend as much time strategizing or practicing as I do for other games.  And with the first round bye, that meant I would be matched up against other winning players in the second round.  I didn’t want to embarrass either the Toronto scene or Canada in general by crashing and burning.

Thankfully I was able to pull off a victory in my first actual match of the day.  Ironically it was against the player from New Mexico who had actually travelled to participate in the Canadian Nationals.  I made a few mistakes, but I felt pretty good about my performance, even if was low margin victory that only netted me only 6 out of a possible 10 points for the round.

But a win moved me further up in the standings, so I was facing even stiffer competition.  Unfortunately I didn’t write down the name of my opponent in the third round, but he was very friendly – even after having a long day at the X-Wing event the day before.  He had actually made top 16, but was eliminated early enough Thursday morning to be able to play in the Armada event.  I ended up with a full loss in that match.  There were a couple key mistakes that would likely have turned the course of the battle, but I didn’t feel terrible about my performance.  And my opponent was such a pleasure to play against, that I still ended the day feeling great.

I ended up with 15 out of a possible 30 points for the day, so it removed most of the anguish from the decision to drop from day 2 of the Armada event to play in the Warhammer 40,000: Conquest main event tomorrow.

Now I’m just waiting for room service to bring me my burger before I head back to the Fantasy Flight Games Event Center for a couple more hours of Conquest theorycrafting and deck tweaking before we get down to business in the morning.  Many people have been talking about how the field with be bringing a lot of anti-Kith to the event to deal with the prevalence of Kith players, but even knowing that, there are still some top players coming over to the dark side and switching to Kith at the last minute.  I think I may swap a few cards around, but I’m locked in to Dark Eldar.

Also, I want to take a moment to congratulate John Gobeil, a local Toronto Conquest player, for his 5th place finish in the Worldeater event today and his shiny new Broadside playmat.

Travis is flying out to the FFG World Championships in Minnesota next week to play in the Star Wars: Armada, Warhammer 40,000: Conquest and Android: Netunner events. Conquest is his primary focus and he is going to share some of his thoughts leading up to and during the event here on The Tactical Squad blog.

Road to Worlds #3 – Good morning, Minnesota!

I woke up this morning in the Radisson Hotel Roseville in the lovely state of Minnesota.  It’s grey and threatening rain, but that didn’t stop us from heading over to the Fantasy Flight Games first thing after a complementary brunch at the hotel.  We had to wait to let the X-Wing players register first, as their event starts today, but it didn’t take long before we had our passes and a few tokens to use in FFG’s league play.  Basically if you find another player with a stripe for their game on their badge, you can challenge them to a game, putting up one of your tokens as bounty.  It sounds like fun, but I’m not sure when I won’t be in another event so that I can participate.

The first disappointment of the day was learning that the Hard Wired draft packs did not arrive, so the Android drafts today have to use one of the older sets.  That definitely dampened the enthusiasm everyone had starting the day.  But so far we’ve met the Australian Conquest champion, netrunner players from France and the UK, and Victor even brokered a trade with Quinns from Shut Up & Sit Down.

I’m looking forward to the afternoon.

Travis is flying out to the FFG World Championships in Minnesota next week to play in the Star Wars: Armada, Warhammer 40,000: Conquest and Android: Netunner events. Conquest is his primary focus and he is going to share some of his thoughts leading up to and during the event here on The Tactical Squad blog.

Road to Worlds #2 – Packing

I’m sitting here at my computer on the Sunday night before worlds going over my checklist as I try to make sure everything is packed for the trip. After a disappointing finish in last Sunday’s tournament, I am bringing Kith with me. No more uncertainty on that score. Of course, now I’m debating last minute substitutions for that deck.

I’ve finalized my Netrunner decks and I’m just deciding on the last few tweaks to Armada fleet. I still need to put together a deck for the Sunday wrap-up event for Conquest, but I’ve got my fingers crossed that Decree of Ruin might see an early release and I can play Starblaze. So that means the Conquest binder has to go in the luggage as well.

I’ve got a couple prizes tucked away for any podcast listeners that track me down at the event. I have my alt art cards ready for potential trades or to get signed. I’m making sure all the relevant electronics have their batteries topped up and ensuring that I have all the necessary cables in my bags. I have my passport put aside as well as some US cash from my last trip to the states.

I hope I’m ready.

Travis is flying out to the FFG World Championships in Minnesota next week to play in the Star Wars: Armada, Warhammer 40,000: Conquest and Android: Netunner events. Conquest is his primary focus and he is going to share some of his thoughts leading up to and during the event here on The Tactical Squad blog.

Revisiting Gift of the Ethereals

It’s time for another in my series of Warlord cycle re-reviews. Today we revisit the third War Pack, Gift of the Ethereals. When we first received this pack I think the members of the Squad were all very excited about getting to play with Aun’shi and exploring a new style of Tau deck. What I don’t think I realized was just how many cards in this pack would become commonly played in competitive decks. So without further delay lets get into the cards. Read More

Road to Worlds #1 – Indecision

I still can’t decide which deck I want to bring to Worlds. I’ve brought Kith to most high profile events I’ve played – including a top 8 finish at Canadian Nationals – so I know that she performs well for me. I’ve won a tournament with my Coteaz deck, but it’s always a bumpier trip through any event. There is a nagging voice in the back of my head telling me to move on from Kith. Not because it will increase my chances for a high finish.  It just feels like it’s time. That seems like a ridiculous reason in the face of a world championship event, but I can’t shake it. I tell myself that I’ll have a better shot at winning for top faction finish with Coteaz, even if I take a hit on my already slim odds at cracking the top 16.  That feels like a weak rationalization.

So, on the eve of the last tournament before the big event, I make a last minute adjustment to my Astra Militarum deck, telling myself that my result tomorrow will determine who goes in my luggage for the trip to Minnesota. I’m hoping that at least it will be like flipping a coin and, finding myself unhappy with the outcome, I realize what I truly wanted to do all along. But I’m worried that it’s more likely that I just keep muttering to myself for the next week like I have for the past month, paralyzed by indecision and annoying everyone around me.

Who knows, maybe I’ll luck into some big wins on Day 1 of Armada and all this agonizing will be for nothing.

Travis is flying out to the FFG World Championships in Minnesota next week to play in the Star Wars: Armada, Warhammer 40,000: Conquest and Android: Netunner events.  Conquest is his primary focus and he is going to share some of his thoughts leading up to and during the event here on The Tactical Squad blog.

Canadian Nationals 2015 – Round 2

The Tactical Squad is happy to release our second round coverage from thethe 2015 Canadian Nationals for Warhammer 40,000: Conquest that took place on September 4, 2015 at Fan Expo in Toronto. This time Jon joins Travis to provide commentary on the match between John playing Eldorath Starbane and Jon himself playing Aun’shi. We are still working on additional episodes, so please let us know if there are any ways we can make them better.

Canadian Nationals 2015 #1 – Round 1

After some production delays, The Tactical Squad is pleased to finally present video coverage of the 2015 Canadian Nationals for Warhammer 40,000: Conquest that took place on September 4, 2015 at Fan Expo in Toronto. Liz and Travis provide the commentary of the first round match-up between Michel playing Eldorath Starbane and Norm playing Zarathur, High Sorcerer. Over the coming weeks we will be releasing further videos from all rounds and the top 8. Please let us know what you think. We are still learning, on both the production and the commentary side, so any suggestions on how we can do it better are welcome.

War Journals – That’s a Lot of Tokens

Rotation 2 – Sept 29th to Oct 13th

Two more weeks have passed and my experiences with three new warlords has been interesting, to say the least. This rotation I played Old Zogwort for the first time, revisited Commander Shadowsun, and started playing “The Swarmlord” – a deck I will continue playing into the next rotation. I played Zogwort eight times, Shadowsun five times and Swarmlord four times for a total of 17 games. Eight of those games were against “Old One Eye”, who seems to be quite popular in my local meta at the moment. Read More

War Journals – Ethereals and Torture

After playing in nationals at Gencon this past summer I spent a few weeks taking a break from playing conquest. During that time I caught up on a bulk of conquest podcasts and spent a lot of time thinking about results at nationals and the possible shape of the meta to come. I realized that I have spent nowhere near enough time playing as many of the warlords in this game. I resolved to work through the list and wrote down a schedule of what warlords I will play when. The War Journals blog series will serve as an open space for me to talk about this exploration, my findings, and really anything else I find to be relevant to the process of playing with the full breadth of different deck options available to this game. Read More

Revisiting The Scourge

In the first Warhammer 40,000: Conquest War Pack re-review I mentioned one of the main draws of the Living Card Game format is the slowly growing card pool that is expanding with new releases introduced at regular interviews. I’m going to continue the re-evaluation of the cards we’ve seen so far. After having reviewed the card in the game’s first War Pack, The Howl of Blackmane, it only makes sense to continue on with the second set of cards released. Today I’m going to look at the second War Pack, The Scourge.

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