War Journals – That’s a Lot of Tokens

Rotation 2 – Sept 29th to Oct 13th

Two more weeks have passed and my experiences with three new warlords has been interesting, to say the least. This rotation I played Old Zogwort for the first time, revisited Commander Shadowsun, and started playing “The Swarmlord” – a deck I will continue playing into the next rotation. I played Zogwort eight times, Shadowsun five times and Swarmlord four times for a total of 17 games. Eight of those games were against “Old One Eye”, who seems to be quite popular in my local meta at the moment. Read More

Episode 12 – Tyranid Attack!

In the latest episode of The Tactical Squad podcast, Liz and Alex are joined by Mark and Travis for a four person cast. We discuss Alex’s second place finish at Canadian Nationals, the recently announced fifth War Pack in the Planetfall cycle, Wrath of the Crusaders, and dive into a detailed analysis of the new Tyranid cards released in The Great Devourer.

We also announced a new contest. We are starting The Tactical Squad deck club. Every month we will be selecting a different warlord and challenging listeners to come up with the own decks for that warlord. We encourage you to try those decks out in your local scene and then submit your best decks in the comments on this post – with your thoughts on how they play – for a chance to win a Warhammer 40,000: Conquest promotion card from previous Organized Play events.

For our inaugural month, we are going big and asking listeners to contribute decks for either of the two new Tyranid warlords from The Great Devourer. After Worlds in early November we will be going through the list of submitted decks and selecting one submitter for each warlord to receive a copy of the promotional Fireblade Kais’Vre, which was given out for competitors at national events this year. We will also discuss some of our favourites on the podcast.

The Great Devourer Spoiler – Venomthrope Polluter

The Tyranids will soon become a playable faction in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest, baring their unrelenting hunger down on planets within the Traxis sector. As we get closer to the release of The Great Devourer deluxe expansion Fantasy Flight Games has been previewing more cards from the set. We already know that this release will contain two Tyranid warlords and five synapse units. Of those five synapse units, we have seen full spoilers for two (Savage Warrior Prime and Gravid Tervigon) as well as an obscured card (Stalking Lictor) from the fan for the preview article for Ol’ One Eye.

The Tactical Squad is happy to be able to spoil the fourth Synapse unit from this expansion.

Venomthrope Polluter

Compared to the two spoiled Synapse creatures, the Polluter doesn’t allow you to be as aggressive in fighting battles or to quickly overwhelm your opponents with swarms of Termagant tokens. venomthrope-polluterIt does, however, allow you a certain amount of mobility in terms of getting certain units to where you need them for future battles, or moving a unit back to an earlier planet if you have to commit your warlord to a later planet. This is especially advantageous with units who have the Hive Mind specialization. Moving a unit with Hive Mind turn the tables in an important command struggle or give your units abilities which can change the tide of a battle. The Venomthrope Polluter will require a bit more finesse and planning ahead to get the best use of its ability, but I think a player who decides to put in the effort to think a few turns ahead may reap the reward and surprise their opponents.

The Tactical Squad thanks Fantasy Flight Games for letting us share this Tyranid spoiler with the Warhammer 40,000: Conquest LCG community.